
What type of content are you consuming on social media?

Most of the time social media, are positive spaces where we can create, share and support content with the world. However, it can be a negative space, so you must be careful on what you intake.
Written by bloss.m team

How to prepare for university over the summer

Some tips and tricks on how to prepare for university over the summer including; finance, accommodation and back up plans.
Written by bloss.m team

Mental health tips for your first year at university

Going to university for the first time can be very stressful. I have compiled the best tips that I used to make my first year at university in the U.K. a success, with regards to my mental health.
Written by Merel Melchers

5 tips to prepare for University

5 tips I’d like to share. Some helpful advice and guidance on how to prepare for University.
Written by bloss.m team

Sis, you are a Queen

The world may try to sell you false ideas about who you are, where you should be in life and what you should look like...please do not buy into it.
Written by Syah

How to flourish through change

When it comes to change, we can be our own worst enemy. We reject our new circumstances and can’t help but spend our time wishing away our current situation.
Written by bloss.m team

How to flourish during change

Learning a new language can be daunting, especially if you do not know where to start or how to approach it. We will outline some things you can do to embark on this journey of learning a new language
Written by bloss.m team

Money Saving tips for Students

All U.K. students are eligible to receive a student loan and for many people, this is the first time they have money to manage. Therefore, budgeting really matters!
Written by Sinem Ishlek

A guide to combating fake news

Fake news is nothing new - but in our rapidly digitalising world, we can be surrounded by it even more, hence why it is essential to be cautious.
Written by bloss.m team

The art of listening

The art of listening is an extremely valuable skill to have. I believe this ability to listen effectively and empathetically has been grossly underrated.
Written by Merel Melchers

Step out of your comfort zone

Stepping out of your comfort zone can be a little scary but you should be pleased to know that there are so many benefits that come with it.
Written by Syah.

How to get your dream internship

Internships are a vital part of every student’s time at university. Even before university, internships are becoming more and more common.
Written by Merel Melchers